
Virgo Monthly Horoscope

July 2024

In this period before the feelings, you should worry about the changes, motion in your life, these areas have been reduced to ashes by a misunderstood romance. You have to get out of that strip of self-pity, and return to being the person you know you should be. And it is this month Venus, your ruling star, which gives you confidence to step toward your beloved, is going to be relegated by Mercury, the star of business agreements, alliances, and that must tell you that you should put the focus on a relationship that does not work and is not right for you. If love does not give, let other trees grant us fruit. Mid-month, Jupiter moves toward Saturn, which indicates healing, healing, an overall improvement of your living and your prospects: You'll find your center again, and see that this time is not in the heart , but what can you do, in your being productive in your ability to create. Give a truce to the battles of love, and try to work out what you can solve: work. You must be careful towards the end of the month, as the Sun moves into Saturn transit that moves us to shut ourselves. Perhaps the reason for your success and feel you have to share with that person who refuses to get close to you. You must be aware that there are absences that are an achievement.

How to attract a Virgo?

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Virgo woman

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